Viridis Offices is working hard to support Environmental, Social, and Governance principles and prioritise sustainability in the corporate world.

It’s not just about catching up; it’s about leading the way towards a more responsible and eco-friendly future.

Join us in creating a workspace that not only meets the highest industry standards but also champions a sustainable and ethical business model .

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Viridis Offices holds a  LEED Gold cert and is an A rated building.

What is LEED Gold Cert?

LEED Gold Cert is Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design. This is a green building certification program. ​LEED Gold certification is a big deal in the world of sustainable architecture!

What does this mean and how is this achieved?

Our building has met rigorous criteria for energy efficiency, water conservation, materials selection, and indoor environmental quality. Our building has received a gold star for eco-friendly construction.

This is a badge of honour for buildings that go above and beyond in being eco-friendly and sustainable and Viridis Offices is very proud to hold this certificate.

5shl Exterior Entrance


Environmental Friendliness: Kinder to Mother Earth, were using our resources more efficiently and reducing our overall environmental impact.​

Energy Efficiency: The building is designed to be energy-efficient and a smaller carbon footprint.​

Healthier Spaces: Improved indoor air quality and better natural lighting contribute to a healthier and more comfortable environment for the people inside.​

Innovation: LEED encourages innovative solutions and technologies, pushing the boundaries of what’s possible in sustainable design.​

It’s a win-win for both the environment and the people who get to work with.

Lobby The Chancery

Our sister companies

In our pursuit of environmental responsibility, we are dedicated to aligning ourselves with the admirable sustainability standards set by our sister companies operating The Grafton Hotel, The Chancery Hotel and Bia Energy AD Plant.

Recognizing the importance of minimizing our ecological footprint, we are implementing a comprehensive sustainability strategy. This involves initiatives such as energy efficiency enhancements, waste reduction programs, and sourcing eco-friendly materials. ​

​By mirroring the successful practices of our counterparts, we aim to contribute to the preservation of our planet, ensuring that our operations reflect a balance between luxurious services and environmental protection. More information on how we are actively implementing such initiatives can be found by clicking the links below.

Deluxe King

The Grafton Hotel

Sustainability is a key priority for the Grafton Hotel. The hotel is committed to continuously enhancing its sustainability practices to improve quality of life, protect the ecosystem, and conserve natural resources for future generations, ensuring a sustainable future for all.

As one of many sustainable hotels in Dublin, the Grafton Hotel takes a comprehensive approach to sustainability. This includes careful consideration of packaging, selection of suppliers, and customer service. By going green and sustainable, the Grafton Hotel not only benefits itself but also assists guests in reducing their carbon footprint.


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The Chancery Hotel

At the Chancery sustainability is much more than just a buzz word – it’s a credo that informed the construction of the hotel from the ground up. It’s a belief that influenced decision making – from choosing fixtures and fittings to approaching how the hotel functions on a day-to-day basis.


Bia Energy Ad Plant

Bia Energy

Bia Energy is Irelands largest anaerobic Digestion Plant.

Bia Energy specialises in the receipt and processing of short dated and surplus packaged food from retail, hospitality, agriculture and food producing sectors.

Bia’s mission is to accelerate Ireland’s transition to clean energy by transforming waste into renewable fuel and nutrient-rich biofertiliser.

Bia’s vision is to become a leading renewable fuel producer, while reducing global carbon emissions, protecting our land, and sustaining life for generations to come.


Bia Energy