Four common daily habits of successful entrepreneurs
The habits we have ultimately shape who we are as a person. Being a successful entrepreneur requires healthy habits that enable one’s professional and personal growth. Innovative thinking, determination, market understanding, flexibility and risk taking are characteristics that are shared by the biggest names of the entrepreneurial field. However they also feed these essential traits by incorporating healthy habits to their daily routines which we have listed for you. Which one are you going to start working on first?

1. Having a Strict Schedule

It is vital to set a daily plan and follow it strictly to achieve a productive day. While this helps you to get the most out of every day, it also ensures you block the overwhelming feeling of procrastination. One of the most successful entrepreneurs out there, the founder of SpaceX and Tesla Motors, Elon Musk keeps a very detailed daily schedule.

Musk schedules his whole day in 5-minute sets and devotes different days of the week to different projects (For example his Mondays & Thursdays are devoted to SpaceX only). This makes sure that his focus is not diluted on various projects and he can achieve the best outcome for individual tasks.

2. Reading a Lot

One of the easiest (and most old-school) ways of broadening your perspective is through reading books of different kinds. Reading books of various genres allows entrepreneurs to gain knowledge on areas that are crucial or supplementary to their business and to their self-development. CEO of Microsoft, Bill Gates whose current worth is $85 billion admits to reading 50 books each year. This equates to almost 1 book per week, which, is not that impossible to achieve. To help you start incorporating this habit to your day, these are the Top 3 books listed in Business Insider’s list of “21 Books That Every Entrepreneur Should Read”: “The Fountainhead” by Ayn Rand, “The Effective Executive” by Peter Drucker and “The Innovator’s Dilemma” by Clayton Christensen.

3. Waking Up Early

Early bird, certainly, catches the warm. The positive effects of a good night’s sleep on physical and mental health is a scientifically proven fact. It reduces stress, lowers the levels of inflammation to your cardiovascular system and generally makes you feel better. However, a good sleep definitely does not mean too much sleep. The most successful entrepreneurs are known early-risers, with the intention of being as productive as possible and to get the most out of the day. Here are when the alarm clock rings for these business giants:

Howard Schultz, Starbucks – 4.30 am

Richard Branson, Virgin Group – 5.45 am

Tim Cook, Apple Inc. – 3.45 am

Vittorio Colao, Vodafone – 6.00 am

4. Get Moving

Exercising is key to an active lifestyle. In addition to keeping them fit and healthy, entrepreneurs feel that a daily work-out keeps them motivated and enthusiastic during the day. Richard Branson, the founder of Virgin Group, shared that he swims, plays tennis or surfs every day and claims to get an extra 4 hours of productivity a day. Even ex-POTUS Barack Obama claimed to make time for 45-minute workouts before dealing with his responsibilities. Following a daily exercising routine leaves less time to procrastinate, helps individuals to stay competitive and creates room for a healthy work-life balance. These three factors are essential to a successful entrepreneurship journey and to be honest, it doesn’t hurt to get a side benefit of a fit body either.


Of course the list can go on and on. However these simple yet effective habits of some of the world’s most successful entrepreneurs are definitely worth incorporating in your daily lifestyle. Whether you are an aspiring entrepreneur or are working in a settled business, the worth of these daily habits for your professional and personal development is invaluable. To work alongside like-minded individuals, call or book a visit to Us &Co. to share the motivational spirit through co-working in the City of London.

5 hobbies that will make you smarter

Hobbies are not only great for keeping us entertained, distracted from the worries of work and helping us meet new people, but they can actually make you smarter too. We’ve collated a list of five hobbies that have been scientifically proven to improve intelligence; and you should definitely try one of these this year.

Play a musical instrument

There are various researchers who have shown that music stimulates the brain, and both listening to music and playing an instrument can increase memory capacity. As well as this, learning to play an instrument also teaches you patience and perseverance while sharpening your concentration, as it takes time and effort. So pick your instrument, get learning and impress your friends.

Learn a new language

This may take some time, but it will be worth it in the end. Learning a new language will not only help you when you’re on holiday by letting you immerse yourself into a new culture, but it can also have numerous advantages that can make you smarter. Getting to grips with a different language involves analysing grammatical structures and learning new words, both of which can improve your brain health and intelligence. Being confident in another language can also help you professionally, allowing you to communicate with people overseas if necessary and help you to move up the ranks. Duolingo is a free tool that lets you learn a new language in easy to manage bitesize chunks.

Read, read and read

We all know we should read more and we’ve all got an ever growing list of “must-reads”, however with its ability to reduce stress and increase all three types of intelligence, what are you waiting for? Whether it’s fiction, non-fiction or autobiographical, whatever you read can really help your understanding of a topic and productivity in how you go about achieving your goals. It can also help you to understand processes and accurately interpret and respond to other people’s feelings, which is hugely beneficial in the workplace.


Following on from a study published in “Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences” in 2006, which included the Dalai Lama and scientist Richard Davidson, it has been proven that those who were told to meditate and focus on compassion came in to a deeply compassionate state of mind. This became interesting to people as they believed they could control their own brain waves, meaning they could calm themselves down, reduce stress and feel more powerful, an ideal skill to have in the world of business. Try the Headspace app to get you started.

Get active

Regular exercise is not only important for a healthy body but for a healthy brain as well. Exercising is key to keeping your brain and your body functioning to the best of its ability. Doctors agree that working out increases blood circulation to the brain and this means increased brain function. Scientists also speculate that sitting down for prolonged periods of time can actually have the opposite affect and be detrimental to the workings of our brain.

So why not take up one, or even ALL of these hobbies, give your brain a workout, have fun and increase your intelligence all at the same time.

5 cities every entrepreneur should see

One of the most crucial things for an entrepreneur is to have a vast network. Even if you are based in a start-up friendly city where you have access to many entrepreneurial networking events, it is very important to broaden your perspectives. The most efficient – and let’s be honest – the most fun way to achieve this is travelling. Here we picked 5 cities every entrepreneur should visit as soon as the opportunity comes.

Paris, France

Whether you are travelling to meet with fellow entrepreneurs or to get inspiration for your own business, Paris is always a good idea. It may not be the first city to come up to your mind when talking about entrepreneurship, however with VCs investing $2.7 billion in France last year, it is the second biggest European hub after UK (with $3.7 billion investments). Drink Entrepreneurs is an unformal, monthly event, which is open to entrepreneurs from all stages of their career to network over a drink. Very Parisian!

San Francisco, USA

Without any doubt, San Francisco is still the tech capital of the world. Even though it would be more time consuming than visiting a nearby European city, an entrepreneur must visit San Francisco to experience the true innovation spirit. The technophiles out are guaranteed to have the time of their lives during this trip, especially while visiting Stanford and Lucky 165, Palo Alto – the early office of Google and many leading startups.


Singapore is where East meets West.

It is home to many multi-national organisations and its support for entrepreneurship is growing day by day. In 2016, tech start-ups led a record $3.5 billion venture capital investments into Singapore, as shared by Brand Insider. Paying a visit to Singapore is definitely an adventure for everybody, especially for entrepreneurs who are aiming to be successful in today’s rapidly globalising business scene.

Tel Aviv, Israel

According to Wall Street Journal, Tel Aviv is home to more than 1,000 startups and the number is continuing to grow. It is a perfect hub for everything from accelerators to networking events and leading research institutions. Bonus side – amazing beaches and cuisine so you can mix business and pleasure!

Berlin, Germany

Frankfurt may be the first German city that comes up to your mind when you think of financial institutions and Munich can be a great example of an industrial town. Berlin, however, is a completely different environment where entrepreneurs thrive. According to Compass, the city holds over 3,000 startups and is filled with international entrepreneurs thanks to its busy events calendar all year long. Definitely check what is on Factory Berlin’s calendar to make sure you don’t miss out on interesting networking events and seminars when you’re in town.

Travel destinations are endless and the world is your oyster. Once your holidays are over and you’re back to business, come join us at Us & Co in the City of London to be part of a professional co-working community. If you’re already back in town, get a free week pass exclusive to August to experience Us & Co first hand!

When the going gets tough: 8 tips for staying calm and turning crisis into opportunity

When it feels like everything is going left when it should be going right, it often feel like the only solution is to resign yourself to giving up. What many people don’t realise is that often with crisis comes opportunity.

Below are our top tips for staying calm in troubled water…

Change your perspective

“When nothing is going right, trying going left!” When things are going wrong it can be hard to see a light at the end of the tunnel, but if you look hard enough the chances are you’ll end up finding one. Take a step back and look at your problem from a different angle and consider the possibilities your problem has created for you.

2. Believe in the impossible

As human beings we very often catastrophize situations, but successful business men and women often train themselves to focus on the best possible outcome. Take a moment to forget the issue at hand and picture positives that could develop from the situation. Could this crisis be a stepping stone toward improving your product or service? Chances are it could be.

3. Create your own rules

Just because it hasn’t been done before doesn’t mean it can’t be done now. If you’ve exhausted every immediate option you can think of for resolving your crisis, give yourself time to think of something no one has done before. This should help turn your crisis into a new opportunity.

4. Get some air

Whilst leaving the office may seem like the last thing you should do, going outside for a walk and getting some fresh air could give you the perspective you need. Not only will the endorphins from going for a walk help you feel calmer about the situation, it will help you clear your head giving you a chance to think around the issue at hand.

5. Begin a new channel of communication

If you have a team working with you get them together and see if you can work around the issue as a group. If you’re doing things solo get in touch with a peer or trusted friend. Having someone else to discuss your issues with and gaining their perspective will often help you see a way to fix things that you may have once missed.

6. Address the issue at hand

Don’t hide away from the issue! Shying away from any issue will not only make it harder for you to fight your way out of it, it also puts off finding a solution. If your issue is affecting others, be transparent with the people it’s affecting, you’re honesty will reward you in the long run.

7. Take it one step at a time

Break down your crisis into small manageable chunks. It will help it seem less daunting and allow you to ensure all bases are covered when coming to a resolution. By approaching your crisis in this fashion, you will also see where there are areas for possible improvements in the future.

8. Learn and move on

Take note of what went wrong. How did it happen? How could you prevent it from happening again? By looking into how the crisis occurred, you can put preventative measures in place to ensure it doesn’t happen again. Once the crisis has been resolved, move on. If you spend time dwelling on what happened in the past it will prevent you from furthering your potential in the future.

What we are really trying to say is that you don’t have to become overwhelmed with feelings of despair. Using some of the tactics we’ve listen you’ll find a solution to your crisis in no time.

10 podcasts to enhance your commute

Bored of hearing the same old songs on the radio every day during your commute to work? Want to make better use of the time you spend in your car, or on the train or bus? Well, we’ve hand-picked our top 10 podcasts that are the perfect way to enhance your commute, making it more productive and even, more fun. They are a great way to kick start your day or help you wind down on the way home

1. Accidental Creative

This podcast will teach you how to turn those everyday ideas into business solutions and tools, and build them into your life and work. Including interviews with a whole host of guests, including business leaders, artists and authors, all are using their own expertise to offer tips and advice. It’s perfect for the business brains out there.

2. Manager tools

For all the managers out there, this one is for you. Manager Tools aims to help professionals become more effective managers and leaders, and breakaway from the traditional, tired management theories. There are specific actions discussed each week to help you achieve your management goals, such as how to make your employees feel appreciated, and how to deal with office politics.

3. Stuff to blow your mind

We all have those moments of wonder, where our mind runs away with us and we start questioning everything about reality. This podcast does exactly what it says on the tin, it is full of surprising information and mind blowing facts and topics that you’ll be able to bring to the water cooler at the office. Anything from “Is social media driving us insane?” to “Where does the notion of road rage come from?” this podcast is sure to get you thinking.

4. Stuff you should know

Similar to “Stuff to blow your mind” this podcast will arm you with a whole wealth of interesting facts to take into the office, and give you something impress your friends with. As the title says, it’s stuff we probably should all know, but probably don’t. Ever wondered how food tasters work, or how the space station works or even how gossip works? Then this will be right up your street. Try it today and get learning.

5. Splendid Table

Now this one may be more suited to your journey home, as it could be great for sparking some cooking inspiration for dinner, and encouraging you to get into the kitchen. The Splendid Table is a culinary, culture and lifestyle program that celebrates food. Full of audio recipes, cooking tips, food news and passionate stories from industry experts, this podcast is perfect for your inner foodie.

6. Back to Work

Kick start your day with this award-winning talk show about everything work-related. Topics covered include communication, productivity, business barriers, office life and MUCH more. It’s a great way to ease you into the day on your way to work and get your business brain in gear.

7. Take Action Q&A

This podcast is perfect for the time-poor business-orientated listeners out there. In just 10 minute episodes, host Rye Taylor helps you leverage your passion by asking questions to industry experts, from the world of creativity, entrepreneurial and communication. You will not only get your question answered but also have actionable steps that you will be able to apply to your work and life straight away.

8. Radio Headspace

Ever thought about meditation, but felt a bit daunted by it, unsure of exactly what to do and how to do it? Then try Radio Headspace, it is perfect way to ease you into the meditation world and get you started. Each week there is a short, calming exercise to follow to help you lead a happy and healthier life. Why not try it one morning this week, and see how it makes you feel?

9. You look nice today

Bring a smile to your commute with this comedy driven (and at times slightly explicit) podcast, it talks about those painfully awkward topics of modern day life that we have all experienced at one point or another. Such as when you’re forced to go to long dinner parties and how to deal with public swimming pools.

10.The Economist

This audio version of the magazine is great for those who drive to and from work and aren’t able to read. Each six-minute episode gives a selection of hand-selected articles from the newsstand, in quick bitesize chunks for you to listen to throughout the day and keep yourself clued up on the latest news.

5 things to consider when looking for investors in your start-up business

There are thousands of things to consider when you start up a small business. Funding is often top of the list – but with time and capital already tied up in getting your business off the ground, it can be difficult to know where to start. We’ve broken down the investment process, and come up with the five most important things to consider.

Hello – is it me you’re looking for?

Your small business is a package deal – it comes with you. And not just you the entrepreneur. An investor is looking for the you beyond the label. The you who came up with the idea for your start-up in the first place. The you whose style is indelibly imprinted on the whole of your business venture, from initial plan to current performance.

If you secure your investment, you’ll be working closely with your investor for the foreseeable future. It’s as important for you to get along with them as it is for them to believe in you. Sell yourself honestly and enthusiastically. Let your passion for your start-up come through in your pitch. No-one who created a small business with drive and vision ever did so without coming across as passionate about it.

Be stylish. Your style is what sets you apart from other start-ups in your field. It’s the defining element of your idea, which connects your product or service to its audience. When you pitch honestly, passionately, and uniquely to investors, you’re showing them more than just an ‘off the shelf’ business plan. You’re showing them a small business with soul, ambition, confidence.

Don’t mistake this for a recommendation to be showy or slick. If you go at your pitch like a carnival barker, your potential investor will see through you in a heartbeat. Back up your passion and style with solid, confidence-inspiring figures. Have you put your own money into the start-up? Do you have a network of reliable professional connections in place? This is what we like to call the one-two punch of personality. Get your investor interested with who you are, and get them hooked by showing them what a good relationship prospect you’ll make.

Show me the money

It’s all about the money, money, money: and if the figures don’t stack up, no amount of personality and drive is going to convince an investor to bet on you. Most start-up investors are looking to make reliable returns on capital they’ve set aside for the purpose, and they’re not in the business of taking a punt. Get your figures in order, in a way that proves you have the experience, seriousness of purpose, and realism to back up your unique idea.

Financials are where small business ideas meet the real world. An investor needs to know that their money will be well spent. They needs to see that the figure you are asking for will be applied to a specific set of business goals, which are realistically achievable and likely to generate the return they are looking for.

Your business plan is the core of your financial offering. It should be targeted to your investor and written in the most concise way possible. Use real figures and be prepared to explain every one of them. If you claim your start-up will be turning over £300,000 by the end of year two, you’ll need to be able to show where that figure comes from.

Convincing financials incorporate multiple fiscal years, and cover everything affecting the cash and asset realities of your small business. What’s the projected cashflow, year on year? What are your costs? Your investor is expecting a full profit and loss statement, which shows your ability to bring in profit. At the end of the day, this is what generates buyer interest and kickstarts your exit strategy (see the great escape, below).

Making the sale

You don’t have to know everything about marketing to have a marketable start-up. But you do need a brand that knows what it is. A clear, coherent brand is defined by three things:

1: Your idea

2: Your audience

3: Your products and services

These three elements play into one another to create a brand that resonates with its audience – and a start-up that resonates with its investors. Your idea defines the kind of audience your products and services will reach. Your audience defines the products and services you create. The kind of product or service your small business is going to supply is a starting-point for your idea.

Investors need to see how your brand is going to be marketed, even if its marketing strategy isn’t up and running yet. At the very least, you should be able to show an understanding of your market and the initial stages of developing a marketing plan. Ideally, you’ll also have spent time generating press for your start-up, building a website, and generating buzz on social media.

It isn’t what you know…

On- or off-line, networking is still the most powerful currency in the world. Consider your own situation. Let’s say you’re building that website, and a mutual acquaintance who also runs a small business recommends a developer. Who do you go for – the developer your contact recommends, or a company pitching to you cold?

The same bias is present for investors. What if someone in your network were already to know one of your target investors? Yes, you’ll still have to impress with your company’s awesomeness, but at least you’re playing to a willing audience. If you can convince a member of your professional network to pitch your start-up to a potential investor, you go into the crunch meeting with a significant advantage.

There’s another benefit to networking for investor introductions: your pitch is practiced and honed by the time you reach the money. No-one whose opinion counts is going to recommend an investor looks at your small business unless you’ve already convinced them that it rocks. Your contact functions as a gatekeeper, vetting your pitch before it goes through to the big boss.

The great escape

Your start-up hasn’t even gotten off the ground yet – so it might seem a bit strange to be planning for its sale to a bigger company, or its merger with a complementary business. But this ‘exit strategy’ is your investor’s endgame. It’s the plan that shows her how she walks away from the investment with the desired return on her stake money.

Build the exit strategy into your whole offering. Show your potential investor how her money is going to take your start-up to a level that attracts the notice of buyers. With the right financials, the right marketing, and the right marriage of personalities, the exit strategy could be what tips her over into decision-making territory – and the beginning of a beautiful friendship.

Finding an investor takes time and money, and you’ll hear the word ‘no’ a lot more than you hear the word ‘yes’. But if your idea is sound and your passion is strong, you’ll get there in the end. Factor the travel and expense of investment-hunting into your plan. Put in the work: chase potential investors down, stick close to them, and wow them with your start-up. When you hear the magic word ’yes’, it’s all worth it.

How to effectively juggle work and social life

Now so many of us have constant access to our emails on our smartphones and tablets, we know it can be tempting to just “quickly” check them at home in the evening. Suddenly a five-minute check turns into an hour and a half, 10 more emails and 3 phone calls. The pressures of work can pile up sometimes, but it’s more important than ever to make sure you have an effective work/social life balance to ensure a healthy mind. So we’ve put together some tips on how to help keep the balance just right.

Be social

No matter how busy or weighed down you may feel, it is important to still make time to maintain contact with your family and friends. Instead of burning the midnight oil at the office or going home carrying the stresses of the day, take some time out for the ones you love. Whether it’s a quick drink after work, going to see a movie or having your family over for dinner, doing something after work that you enjoy and is non-work related will help you relax; keeping you happy and healthy.

Take holidays

Everyone is entitled to a holiday, yes, even if you work for yourself! It may seem like an impossible notion to pack up and jet off for two weeks when you’re running your own business, but it’s important to make it possible. Going away, taking a break and switching off will help you feel refreshed and give your body a chance to fully re-charge their batteries. It means that you will come back to work feeling well-rested, and be more productive than ever.

Be efficient with your time

We know that being social and finding the time for a holiday is important, but of course the work still needs to get done, hence the phrase work AND social life balance. Being efficient and strict with your time will help you achieve both a complete to-do list and a healthy social life. When you’re at work focus on the task in hand and give it your full attention, try to avoid distractions like texts and social media. This will help you focus and produce your best work most efficiently. Before you leave the office make a to-do list for the next day, this will help you feel organised and prepared in advance so nothing gets missed.

Create your own working hours

There are numerous studies that show that working 9-5 isn’t the most effective way of working for lots of us. You may be more of an early riser or perhaps a night owl, either way we all know that we would be much more productive if we created our own working hours. As well as boosting productivity, creating your own schedule can help you balance and make time for your social life and any family commitments you may have. Co-working is perfect for this, with 24/7 access to our dedicated desks you can work the hours that suit you, why not give it a go and see if it’s for you.

Why you need to start co-working today

The number one reason why a business should join a co-working space is definitely the support from community. Running your own business is never easy and it is a risky road. In a co-working environment, you will be able to see that you are not the only one who is going through similar experiences. You will be able to exchange ideas and give and take valuable feedbacks from the community around you.

Money is also a very crucial factor when it comes to office space. Overheads can pile up very quickly and rent can increase drastically overtime. Here at our co-working space at Us &Co., you don’t need to think twice about the costs of your space – we offer a single monthly charge, no hidden fees, all included.

Increased productivity is another benefit of co-working spaces. According to a research in Stanford University, 64% of coworkers are better able to complete tasks on time.  This can be explained by the relaxed environment, designed to give co-workers personal space and areas for when you need to focus – just like we have on each floor at Us & Co.!

At Us & Co, we offer more than just a co-working space. You get the professional image needs you or your organisation requires, being part of a community of like-minded individuals, making networking easier than ever. You can enjoy a variety of hot drinks throughout the day and after-work beers on our top floor ClubSpace overlooking London’s riverside. All on Us&Co.!

So, do you still think there is any reason why a traditional office would be better than a co-working space? You possibly can’t. Come see us at Us & Co. and check our different membership options to find the one suiting your needs!

How to effectively crowdfund your start-up

Crowdfunding is becoming an increasingly popular way to fund small businesses and start-ups to get them off the ground. The fundraising platform is also used by non-profits, artists, musicians and many more. But with so many people using the tool, it’s becoming increasingly more difficult to get your message seen by the masses. Therefore it’s more important than ever to ensure you are doing everything you can to make sure your campaign is as effective and powerful as possible.

Choose the right platform

With more than 600 different crowdfunding platforms available worldwide, it’s important to take some time and do your research to find out which platform will be best for your particular campaign. The most popular sites currently are Kickstarter and Indiegogo where in exchange for donations users receive a range of special rewards, dependent on the size of their donation. But there are also more investment based platforms, where users directly invest in businesses, buying shares and stakes in the company.

Make the most out of your existing network

Harnessing your existing network, such as family, friends along with past and present business connections, is a vitally important part of any crowdfunding campaign for a number of reasons. This existing core inner group can act as your biggest endorsers, vouching for you and your project while spreading the word among their own networks getting the message out there. They can also start the ball rolling with donations, adding as little or as much as they can to the project. In turn, this will encourage others to give, as they will be to see that the project is legit as it already has backing and is, therefore, worthwhile.

Think about the perks

As we have previously mentioned a large part of crowdfunding is the perks on offer in return for donations. This is one of biggest selling points of these platforms, so it is important to put some serious thought into what you are offering.  You will need a range of different rewards to match the level of donation, the bigger the donation, the bigger the reward. Think about what users would actually want, and how they can be useful to both the donor and you. They don’t even always have to cost money they can simply be offering users the chance to vote on how a product is designed, a personal thank you message or early access to a product or service. You just need to make sure you can afford the rewards and they are feasible and easy to manage.

Be detailed

Users are going to be more inclined to donate to projects that they know a lot about and can see exactly where their money will be going and how it will be used. So make sure your communications are clear and as detailed as possible, populate your campaign page with as much detail about your project and your story as you can, be true, real and express yourself clearly. Present a serious business plan, which is easily digestible for anyone reading, so people can really get a feel for where their money is going and why you need it.

Include a video

Most crowdfunding platforms allow you to upload a video to your campaign page; this is something we would highly recommend. It is a commonly known that videos will engage people a lot more than big chunks of text, and they are a great way to bring your project to life. Keep them short and concise with a clear call to action.

Always be online

Running a Crowdfunding campaign is not to be sniffed at. It’s a lot of hard work, late nights and you need to be prepared to essentially live online. During the time when your campaign is live is when the hard work really starts. It will be down to you to stay active on social media sites, monitor the page and answer any emails/queries you may get.

If you follow these six steps your crowdfunding campaign is sure to be a success, and your start-up will be up and running in no time.

Five lessons you learn from failing

Failure is part and parcel of life, especially in business. It can leave many of us feeling disheartened and tempted to throw in the towel but, we’re here to tell you that failure is ok. It can often become beneficial to both your business and professional development. So, put the pity party away and get reading to see exactly what you can learn from what you perceive as failing.


It’s only a mistake if you make it more than once. Taking time to reflect on where you went wrong can help prevent you from making the same mistake in the future. Whether you’re just starting out, or a long timer in the business world, mistakes will happen. However, if you’re aware of how they came about, you can work to stop them from happening again. Therefore, you should learn to take some time out to sit down and look at exactly what went wrong and how you can stop it from happening again on future projects.


The more often we fail, the more we become resilient to it. The most successful business leaders know that failure will inevitability happen, but don’t let it hinder them, rather inspire them to continue to try. In order to become truly successful, we must learn to be resilient as it helps us to understand that progress will take time while watching out for bumps in the road and coming back stronger if we do get knocked down.


Put simply, with failure comes growth. Without these failures, you would be perpetually stuck in the same place. If the fear of failure stops you from trying something new, you will never grow. This is because when you fail you inadvertently grow as you learn from the failure. You know not to take the similar steps and then try something new.


When you first fail at something you open your eyes to the things that are working well. This helps you to understand the value in what is working, which is what should have your main attention rather than dwelling on what hasn’t worked. You also learn to value the people in your life that pick you back up and help you to grow following what has happened.


Failure can deflate the ego, leaving many feeling vulnerable and embarrassed. Rather than letting these emotions take centre stage, leaving you lacking the motivation to get up and try again, you should use them to help you become more compassionate to others in future. Many successful professionals are only successful due to their compassion for others; people flock to those they feel they can relate to and know understand.

Rather than seeing failure as a sign of defeat and throwing in the towel, take a step back and start thinking of a new plan.