Seven free websites worth spending your time on
In the age of the Internet it’s pretty easy to find yourself getting distracted during the day with the millions of websites available at the click of a button. Whilst procrastination is often not a good idea, we’ve compiled a list of websites that can actually help make you smarter and more business savvy, should you find your mind wondering, why not do something productive and visit one of the sites listed below.

1. Platzi

Providing live-streamed online courses on a number of topics from web and app development to online marketing, with many of them free, Platzi can help widen your knowledge on a variety of different technological areas.

2. Mental Floss

Mental Floss want to bring you interesting facts, trivia and information on things you didn’t know to help increase your knowledge whilst also putting a smile on your face; perfect to add to your small talk and pub quiz repertoire.


A global online learning community that is full of free, high-quality online education resources, ALISON helps empower you to continually improve. Add further strings to your bow by studying areas outside of your business area.

4. TED

Devoted to ideas worth spreading, TED provides short videos on a wide range of subjects that can help inspire, educated and engage you with a new way of thinking. Many of them are less than ten minutes and can often leave you feeling motivated for hours.

5. Brain Pump

Feed your curiosity and learn something new with Brain Pump’s extensive library of videos on topics ranging from Space to Food. If you feel like sharing your own knowledge, you’re also able to submit your own videos too.

6. FutureLearn

A diverse selection of courses from universities and cultural institutions located all over the globe, FutureLearn believes in creating an enjoyable, social learning experience. Delivered one step at a time, and easily accessible from mobiles, tablets and desktop, it’s perfect for those who only have five minutes spare.

7. BBC Languages

If you’ve ever wanted to learn a new language, here is your chance. BBC Languages provides courses and support to help you learn a wide range of different languages. You can listen to causes online, downloaded as an mp3. and also print it out to take with you, useful for a long commute or spare 5 minutes.

Why there is no substitute for face to face meetings

With a rapid number of businesses embracing the use of digital channels for communicating, it can often be difficult to find the time for face to face meetings. However this vital form of communication may appear to be, below we lay out why you shouldn’t discount this effective use of communication.

1. Body language

It‘s easy for things to be misconstrued when sent via email or through other forms of communication. When speaking face-to-face you’re able to pick up on a person’s body language, which more often than not, communicates what it is they’re actually saying. Turns out 93% of communication effectiveness is determined by non-verbal cues, making talking face-to-face more important than ever. By meeting face to face all people present should feel they are leaving the meeting on the same page, fully understanding what is needed. It can also prevent information from being taken the wrong way.

2. Personal

The use of online tools for correspondence has proved very useful for business success, due to the fact it’s quick, always on and not location dependent; however it can lack a personal touch. When you meet someone face to face, you can create a connection with the person in turn making the discussion more memorable.  At the end of the day people do business with people, not entities.

3. Efficient

Time is precious, and money, to many, especially an entrepreneur! Whilst it may appear that face to face meetings are less efficient and a drain on your precious time so are often cast aside in favour of sending multiple emails, they can actually be a more efficient use of your time. This is because face to face meetings tend to be shorter due to a greater pressure to get to the point, giving you more time to focus on the actions that derive from it.

4. Visible

A large majority of people are visual learners, which means following along with conversations over the phone make it easy for some people to miss a point and, at times, difficult to follow the conversation. Not only can people follow speakers visually in a face to face meeting, presentations can be displayed for clarification too; allowing everyone to leave on the same page.

5. Listening

Whilst conference calls are all well and good, you can’t always tell if people are giving you their full concentration, and emails present the issues of getting lost in overflowing inboxes. In a face to face meeting however, it’s much easier to tell who is listening and taking on board what you’re saying.

How to function on little to no sleep

Sleepless nights tend to frequent many an entrepreneur. From burning the midnight oil to restless nights worrying over events from the day, it can be hard ensuring you get your full recommended eight hours each night. Whilst we all know sleep is extremely important, and that you hopefully manage to squeeze in those vital hours, in this post we look at how you can still function on those days where sleep is all too lacking.

1. Have a catnap

Whilst we’re aware that your day is likely to be chock full of important tasks, if possible, try and find 20 minutes in your day to have a catnap. It may seem like 20 minutes is not enough, however anymore could leave you feeling groggier than before. Find a quiet place, perhaps your car, a quiet corner of your work space, or you could even call a taxi and have it drive you around for 20 mins in silence (it may be extreme, but sleep is important!) and allow yourself to have a nap. Whilst it won’t make up for hours missed the night before, it should give you enough energy to make it through the day.

2. Delegate

When functioning on little to no sleep it’s definitely not the right time for you to try and handle it all. Take that person who has offered their help in the past up on their offer. Find the person you trust most in your business to give you a helping hand with your day’s task. Asking for help is something you should always be doing, but when you’re running on very little steam, it’s vital to your business that you do so to make sure tasks get completed in time.

3. Make the most of your commute

If you usually drive to your work space, consider taking another form of transport on days you’re feeling particularly drowsy. Not only is it not safe to drive when you’re tired, when using public transport you can find time to fit in a little snooze (see point one), or just take a moment to let your mind relax. The extra stress of trying to navigate rush hour traffic could leave you feeling even more exhausted then when you began the day.

4. Have breaks

Breaks should already be part of your everyday routine, but especially so when you’ve had little sleep the night before. For every hour, set aside ten minutes that will allow you to switch off, refocus and regroup.  Not only will this help give your brain a breather, it will give you a fresh perspective on the job which you’re doing.

5. Get some fresh air

It’s no secret that vitamin D is an important vitamin that many of us are lacking; however on those days where your sleep has not been sufficient, it’s even more important that you up your dosage. Using one of your breaks, take some time to go outside and soak up some fresh air and (hopefully) sunshine. Whether the sun is shining or not, the fresh air will leave feeling more invigorated and awake.

6. Keep your meals light

Big, heavy, mainly carbohydrate based meals can leave you feeling sluggish, which is the last thing you want when you’re already lacking on sleep. Smaller meals filled with protein and wholegrains help to fuel your body and produce more energy, without those dreaded sugar crashes two hours later. Check out our previous post on eating yourself efficient (LINK) for interesting ways you can incorporate foods into your diet that will keep you going from morning till night.

7. Prioritise your day

We’ve spoken before on the importance of prioritising your day; however this is equally as important on days where you’ve had little sleep. Plan to tackle your biggest tasks in the morning, the time when you’ll have the most energy, and leave smaller tasks to the afternoon where your focus may be lacking. And don’t forget point two; if a task is too big, and too urgent to wait, ask for help!

The good thing about being an entrepreneur or working for yourself is that you can choose the hours in which you’re working. If you’re feeling too drained to continue, there is no shame in taking the afternoon off to recuperate, getting an early night and hitting the ground running the following day.

15 ted talks to fuel your entrepreneurial fire

Unless you’ve been living under a rock for a while (or an extreme amount of paperwork) we’re sure you’re aware of the “ideas worth spreading” initiative that is TED. Uploading videos from speakers who come from all over the world, there is a plethora of content ready to inspire and teach you. Here we have found some of the best talks that will fuel your entrepreneurial fire.

The Tribes We Lead

In his talk ‘The Tribes We Lead’ Seth Godin discusses how marketing strategies have progressed from the ‘Factory Cycle’ and ‘Television Cycle’ to what he calls the ‘Tribe Idea’. The Tribe Idea comes from the theory that tribes have shaped and changed the world. In a tribe you find people you want to connect with and who want to connect with you; you don’t force people to do anything. Rather than inventing something and trying to sell it, you organise people and start a movement. Godin ends his talk by asking you three questions. Who are you upsetting? Who are you connecting? And who are you leading? There are people out there waiting for you to show them where to go, so go lead!

Creative Problem-Solving in the Face of Extreme Limits

Navi Radjou is an innovation strategist who helps businesses with limited resources do more with less. In his talk ‘Creative Problem-Solving in the Face of Extreme Limits’ Radjou discusses the Hindu word “jugaad”. Jugaad means an improvised fix that is born in adversity, using what is most important to deal with what is scarce. In his frugal innovation revolution, Radjou shows plenty of examples of human inventiveness at work. Proving it’s not what you have, it’s what you do.

A Bath Without Water

In this talk Ludwick Marishane, one of Google’s brightest young minds in the world, tells the story of how he created a life changing product just by using his Nokia 64 phone (shocking, we know). Watch as he tells his tale of business learning (people in adversity don’t buy in bulk, they buy in demand) and becomes the youngest patent holder in his country. He ends his inspiring speech by asking, what’s stopping you?! Which is a very good question.

How Great Leaders Inspire Action

There are leaders, and then there are people who lead. This is what Simon Sinek discusses in his talk on ‘How Great Leaders Inspire Action.’ Beginning his talk by discussing the ‘golden circle’(why, how and what) and examining how successful businesses operate, Sinek gives an insight into how certain brands are more successful than others. Spoiler, it’s to do with our brains. He then ends his speech discussing the components that make a great leader, something all entrepreneurs look to emulate.

How to Start a Movement

In this short talk, watch as Derek Sivers talks you through a video that encompasses what it takes to start a movement, in less than three minutes. In this simple but effective video we see the importance of not just a leader beginning movements, but the impact of the first few followers that join them. Proof that if you have courage to pursue something you believe in, people will follow.

Living Beyond Limits

If your life were a book and you were the author, how would you want your story to go? This is the question Amy Purdy asks you in her talk. After losing both of her legs when she was 19, Amy has gone on to push off of the borders created for her and become a professional snowboarder. Her speech discusses how obstacles can do two things, stop you in our tracks or force you to get creative. Something all entrepreneurs should keep in mind!

Everyday Leadership

Re-telling an anecdote of the moment he handed a woman a lollipop and in her words changed her life, Drew Dudley’s talk discusses what leadership really is. Instead of treating leadership as something we aspire to, something that’s frightening due to its power; he wants us to redefine what leadership is. It’s not money, power, titles and influence; it’s the ability to change just one person’s understanding of themselves. Definite food for thought.

8 Secrets of Success

Find yourself doubting your abilities and have 3 and a half minutes to spare? Then Richard St. John’s talk on the 8 secrets of success is something you need to watch. Condensing years of interviews with some of TED’s finest, he shares with you the real 8 secrets behind some of the world’s most successful people.

Embrace the Near Win

In this talk, Sarah Lewis helps distinguish mastery from success. Whilst success is what we all aspire to, without mastery we will be unable to continue to succeed. The art of the near win propels us in our ongoing quests, and Lewis believes that mastery is in the reaching not in arriving. She ends by discussing how true masters realise there is no end.

The Single Biggest Reason Why Start-ups Succeed

After founding a wide range of start-ups Bill Gross shares his secrets for start-up success. Looking into the 5 key elements that lead to success, Gross finds that timing, more often than not, ends up being the key factor. This video is a very interesting watch for entrepreneurs who are getting ready to take their first steps.

Success, Failure and the Drive to Keep Creating

Author of the book ‘Eat, Pray, Love,’ Elizabeth Gilbert discusses how she overcame her fear of failure after her book became a best seller. After the success of her book ‘Eat, Pray, Love’ Gilbert felt that she had no way to win and even considered quitting writing. Her talk discusses how to generate motivation regardless of any negative outcomes, and how your creativity can survive its own success. Gilbert believes to do this; you need to find something you love more than you love yourself.

The Secret to Better Work

This easy to watch, humours talk, by Shawn Achor, helps us to consider how our brains are operating and help us to move forward in a positive way. Achor wants us to change the lens in which we view the world, as 75% of job success is due to positivity and optimism. If we live thinking happiness comes after success, happiness will always be over the cognitive horizon.

Why Work Doesn’t Happen at Work

In his talk, Jason Fried discusses how you can make your office environment more productive, for both yourself and your employees. He discusses the main offenders to office productivity, M&Ms, whilst giving suggestions on how you can make your workplace more efficient.

404: The Story of a Page Not Found

Beginning a new business can often leave you with areas you hadn’t even considered before, going wrong. This video teaches you to embrace these issues and almost make your mistakes part of your brand. Renny Gleeson teaches you that the little things, done right, matter and that a simple mistake can either tell someone what you are not, or remind them why they love you.

Life at 30,000 Feet

When looking for business inspiration, you can’t go far wrong with a talk from Richard Branson. In this TED talk he discusses a wide variety of aspects about his business life, and gives insight into his entrepreneurial spirt. One of the most important takeaways from this talk comes right at the start where he discusses his thoughts that running a company is about finding the right people and inspiring them.

Productivity hacks to make better use of your time

No one likes to feel flustered, and how often do we hear the words “there aren’t enough hours in the day”? Well our tips below can help you make better use of those precious hours and become a productivity powerhouse.

1. Stand to attention

Find yourself always in meetings? Noticing that too often the conversation goes off topic?  Why not try having your meetings standing up? We’ve all heard it before but it really works! Why? It’s  because, quite honestly, no one likes to stand on their feet for too long,  which means you’re far more inclined to get the job done and have your meeting wrapped up  in no time.

2. Learn to say No!

Ok, by this we don’t mean just blurting out a straight out NO! What we’re talking about here is learning to say no to some of those ‘side of desk’ conversations when people ask you “…do you have 5 minutes to talk about…” If you’re in the middle of something, don’t let it distract you from what you are doing, simply say no and arrange a more suitable time.

3. Build a schedule; don’t just write a to-do list

Most of us get to the desk in the morning and write ourselves a to-do list, and sure, they can work. But what’s better?! Building yourself a schedule! Rather than a to-do list, a schedule will help you feel more in control of your time. If someone wants to book an appointment check your schedule and see where it will fit in without compromising your other tasks.

4. Tidy workspace, tidy mind

Decluttering your workspace is almost a form of therapy. An untidy desk can feel a little daunting but the process of clearing it up will not only make physical space but also help clear your headspace, giving you more time to focus on the good stuff.

5. Fuel the fire

Eating well will positively affect your productivity throughout the day. Getting the balance right can be tricky to begin with but you’ll soon begin to reap the benefits. All the usual applies, not too much caffeine, not too much sugar, more protein to keep those hunger pangs at bay, and enough water to keep you hydrated and switched on. You’re not going to get anywhere if you feel sluggish and lethargic. Find out the best places to eat near Us & Co and fuel your day the right way.

6. Take 5

Overwhelmed by what you have to achieve in just one day? Take 5 minutes, stand up, take a walk and re-focus. According to research carried out by The Draugiem Group the average person should work for 52 minutes at a time. The regular breaks will help you tackle more when you’re at your desk.

Five steps to help you wake up ready to go

We all know waking up can be a daily struggle, and we also know that feeling refreshed after a good night’s sleep is conducive to a productive and successful day. In light of this we’ve put together five steps that help you wake up in the morning prepared to make the most out of the day ahead.

1. Plan the following day at the end of the previous working day

As soon as you finish work for the day, write yourself a list of jobs you need to accomplish the following day. By writing everything down at the end of the working day, you will already know what you have to achieve when you return to your desk the next morning. This can also help you clear your head and give you space to relax in the evening.

2. Prepare everything before you go to bed

Preparation is the key to many business men and women’s success. Don’t just take our word for it, ask the most successful person you know, and we bet preparation is right up there with how they attribute their success. Before you go to bed (or as soon as you get home) prepare everything you need for the next day. Set out your clothes, pack your lunch and even make your breakfast. Not only does this mean you can spend extra precious minutes asleep, you can also start the day in a calm way knowing things are already taken care of.

3. Use a daylight bulb in your lights

Letting as much natural light into your bedroom as possible will help your body to wake up feeling naturally more refreshed in the morning. However, if you don’t have the luxury of being able to leave the curtains open for fear of flashing your neighbours why not try using daylight bulbs to give the illusion of natural light in your room. Turning on a lamp when you first wake up will help send signals to your brain that as it’s light out, it’s time to wake up.

4. Don’t hit snooze

As tempting as it may be to hit snooze in the morning, don’t! Instead, get up as soon as your alarm goes off. Hitting snooze doesn’t give you any beneficial sleep, but it does add to the groggy morning feeling we’re all accustomed to. Why not use the extra five minutes to do something productive or have some ‘me’ time?

5. Make time for exercise

Exercise is great at waking up the body, getting the blood flowing and leaving you ready and raring for the day ahead. Whilst finding the time for morning exercise may seem like a difficult task, the adrenaline and endorphin rush from getting up and going out will make you feel alert and refreshed for the rest of the day. If you really can’t find the time to get out and about, why not try some yoga whilst you’re still in bed instead?

Four ways to prepare for a winning pitch

Pitching is an important skill that every entrepreneur should master. For many the art of winning a pitch comes from the preparation. In this article we share four ways that will help you prepare for, and in turn win your pitch.

1. Know your audience

Not only is it important to learn the ins and outs of your business audience, it’s also important to learn about the person you’re pitching to. Look them up online and speak to people who know them or have pitched to them before. By learning about the person you’re pitching to you can tailor your delivery to ensure that your pitch appeals to the way in which they work.

2. Embrace the competition

You should never go to a pitch without researching your competition and being able to discuss with the investor what is currently being done in the market, or has previously been done. Instead of being scared to approach the subject of competitors, turn it into a positive! Highlight how you’ve researched the market, showcase your knowledge of what others have done and what has and hasn’t been successful – show your investors that you will be better than any competition.

3. Have multiple financial plans

Firstly, your financial plan should clearly show how much money you need, a projection of costs and an idea of turnover. However, to show investors that you have really thought through every area of your pitch bring with you a best case, an average case and a worst case scenario of outcomes – investors will appreciate that you’ve covered all eventualities.

4. Consider every possible question

If an investor is serious in their consideration of your business, they are going to throw tough questions your way. In order to secure their financial backing, you will need to answer their questions in a way that satisfies and impresses them. Before you pitch, take a moment to consider any questions that investors may send your way; especially the difficult ones.  Make sure your answers are ready, but don’t allow them to feel rehearsed.

10 habits of successful people

It’s been said before that success isn’t just a given, it’s something you need to work for. Here we look at ten habits adopted by the world’s most successful people, day in and day out.

1. Wake up early

The age old saying the early bird catches the worm is popular for a reason. Not only does waking up early give you more hours in the day, the hours after you wake up are the ones where you’re most productive. Behavioural scientist Dan Ariely claims that the two hours after we become fully awake are, potentially, our most productive. These two hours should be used to do our most important tasks rather than wasting them responding to emails etc. There’s nothing more satisfying than seeing what you can achieve before your competition even wakes up.

Robert Iger, C.E.O of Disney says: “I get up at 4:30 every morning. I like the quiet time. It’s a time I can recharge my batteries a bit. I exercise and I clear my head and I catch up on the world.”

2. Eat breakfast

There’s a reason it’s the most important meal of the day. Having the right breakfast helps give you the energy you need to keep you alert throughout the day. By waking up early you will be able to find the time you need to fit in a proper breakfast before you start your working day. If time is still tight you can always prepare your breakfast the night before. Give it a go with these super simple make-ahead breakfast ideas.

Al Roker, American TV Personality says: “I usually make a protein smoothie, which consists of protein powder, fibre powder, 8 ounces almond milk, frozen berries, a little ginger, and a little agave.”[3]

3. Exercise

Not only does exercising daily help keep you fit and healthy, it can also help improve your productivity. Find time to fit some form of physical activity into your day; it doesn’t have to be a ten mile run, it can be as simple as five minutes of yoga or a quick walk around the block. Staying active and healthy will help ensure you’re able to work to your best ability. If the president of The United States can find 45 minutes a day to sweat it out, you can to![4] Try some of these easy ways to fit activity into your day.

4. Read

Instead of spending their free time scrolling through social media (we know it can be tempting) or being distracted by TV, use this time to read. Whether it is something fictional, as a way to de-stress, or a piece of non-fiction to improve your knowledge, reading is a great way to improve productivity levels. Reading stimulates the brain and gets the creative juices flowing.

Bill Gates, cofounder of Microsoft makes sure he reads the Wall Street Journal, New York Times and the Economist daily.[5]

5. Plan

We all know what Benjamin Franklin said “If you fail to plan, you’re planning to fail!!” You need to know what you’re doing, when you’re doing it and when it needs to be done by. Those most prepared will start their day jotting down the tasks they want to accomplish in those 24 hours. This makes it clear in their mind what it is that they want to achieve in their day. Knowing what you have to do and when you have to have it done by prevents mistakes happening and tasks being left incomplete.

Greg Mckeown, the author of Essentialism: The Disciplined Pursuit of Less, advocates conducting a quarterly personal review to define your most important objectives for the next three months.[6]

6. Prioritise

As with the previous point, successful people are able to prioritise their tasks, ensuring nothing slips by the wayside. Start by ordering your daily list from highest priority to lowest. By working on bigger priority tasks first thing, you’re using your brain whilst it’s in its most productive state. However, only you know the way your brain works, plan your tasks so that you’re working to your body’s own rhythm.

Stephen R. Covey, author of 7 Habits of Highly Effective People says “Most of us spend too much time on what is urgent and not enough time on what is important.

7. Set goals

Successful people have goals! No matter how big or small your goals seem, write them down. Take a look at them every now and again; have they changed? Try keeping visual reminders around you so that you’re always aware what it is you’re working towards.

Antony Robbins, a motivational speaker in America says: “Setting goals is the first step in turning the invisible into the visible.”[7]

8. Take action

No one got anywhere by resting on their laurels. So don’t sit around and wait for success to come to you, get up and take some action. Look at what you’re doing with your day; are you using your time effectively? Could you be doing more to achieve your goals? What steps could you take to be more proactive?

Abraham Lincoln said: “The best way to predict your future is to create it.” [8]

9. Learn new things

As with our point about reading, take the time to learn about new things. It’s important to seek out information about innovation in your industry. What can you learn from all this information? Make changes to fine tune the services or product of your business. Use the information you read to decide weather you would benefit from upskilling yourself or your team. Make all the information which is readily available work for you!

Conrad Hilton said: “Success seems to be connected with action. Successful people keep moving.”[9]

10.Take time out

Now we are giving you a reason to relax and take 5. It’s important recognise when you’re going to benefit from taking some time for yourself. If you’re working too hard you can cause yourself to burn out, which is not conducive to a successful environment. Take some time each day for yourself to re-focus and re-group and you’ll soon begin the see the benefits. If you need some help, try this.

That’s two minutes for you, from us. You can thank us later.










Beat the afternoon slump: 5 energy boosting tips

Afternoons can be one of the toughest times in the working day. Often we’ve worked at maximum capacity during our morning tasks and find ourselves wondering where we will get the energy to work on the afternoons remaining jobs. In order to combat this, we’ve found five energy boosting tips that will leave you ready and raring to go; prepare to finish your day on a high!

1. Take a break

Did you know a quick ten minute walk can provide you with enough energy to power through a further two hours’ worth of work? What better reason could there be to get up and move around a bit? We don’t recommend napping at the desk but if you have the time and space, why not try a 15-20 minute power nap? It’s been scientifically proven to help boost energy levels and make you feel more alert. Just don’t go longer than 20 minutes otherwise you may end up feeling worse.

2. Snack smart

Whilst reaching for a sugary treat may be the most tempting thing to do to give you that boost you need to get you through to home time, it can actually cause a bigger crash than the slump you’re already contending with. Instead, try reaching for something nourishing like a handful of unsalted nuts or some fresh fruit. What you need is something that will sustain your sugar levels, rather than a quick hit of sugar.

3. Up the water

Keeping your body hydrated (ideally with pure water) helps your body to function correctly whilst also revitalising your muscles and digestive system. Keep a bottle of water on your desk as a reminder to keep hydrated. Remember, you should be aiming for a minimum of two litres a day. Also, try and avoid the coffee and go for a tea instead. Whilst coffee may seem like the obvious solution, it can often affect your evening in a negative way, for example stopping you for being able to sleep which will then impact you the following day, easily turning into a vicious cycle.

4. Ditch the distractions

Do you find that the afternoon is always the time where you check your emails that little bit more, or give yourself extended ‘breaks’ to check your social channels? Whilst you may feel that you’re just rewarding yourself with this break, you’re actually making yourself less effective. Try and switch off the distracting devices, or turn off your email notifications for a while and give the task in hand your full focus.

5. Re-assess your daily routine

The way you spend your morning can often have a significant impact on the way you feel in the afternoon. Think back to earlier in the day, did you have a sufficient breakfast? What did you have for lunch? Did you give yourself a break for lunch or did you work through it? How often did you come up for air during your morning tasks? All of these questions can provide you with an answer to why you’re feeling the way you do, and help you make better choices for the following day. For example, a small or non-existent breakfast, followed by a lack of lunch (or fast-food filled lunch) can have a negative impact on your afternoon energy levels.

Consciously taking on board some of the above steps should help you defeat the afternoon slump and have you completing your to-do list in no time.

The us and co guide to getting things done

Some people call it “being in the zone”. You know that dream where you run really fast for really long and don’t get out of breath. That’s where Bill Gates was at when he was building Microsoft, and that’s where you can be to, with the right source material.

We’ve put together a list of resources designed to help spur you on when you reach the wall at any stage of a project. Whether you’re struggling to think of an idea, wondering how you can put your latest brilliant idea into action or trying to learn from past experience, these incredibly useful resources will help.

Inspiration-– There are so many Reddit threads that we could direct you to for a daily dose of brilliance, but if we had to pick just one it would be r/internetisbeautiful. It’s a great place to learn how some of the world’s boldest thinkers are applying their skills, even if you’re not into technology.– New products, apps, games, podcasts and books are added to Product Hunt every day, meaning it’s the go to destination for discovering new ideas and cutting edge thinking. Watch tomorrow’s unicorns as take shape and give the creators feedback in the process.– Seth Godin is refreshingly logical. Sign up to his newsletter or just visit his blog every now and again- you might not find your next big idea there, but his common-sense approach will keep you on the right track.– Turn on, tune in and drop out. Visit this website and do absolutely nothing for two minutes. You’ll quickly learn that just two minutes of doing nothing can quickly change the way you look at a problem.– Bite sized nuggets of video inspiration to get you in the best frame of mind possible to dream up your next big idea, or just turn a few minutes downtime into valuable learning time. – 99U’s tagline is “Insights on Making Ideas Happen.” Need we say more?– Possibly one of the most refreshing sites on the web. 1000 Awesome Things is just that, a list of 1000 awesome things updated every weekday. Our favourite? #104 “Any restaurant where old ladies are doing the cooking.” When you’re stuck in a rut, take a look and remember you’re just having a bad day, not a bad life.


So you’ve had that great idea and now you’re thinking “How do I make this happen?” Whether you’re looking to raise funds or bootstrap from the ground up, you’ve got some serious hustling to do. These resources will help you get in the right frame of mind. Tim Ferris is on a mission to deconstruct world-class performers and find out what makes them so great. This hasn’t just led to some really entertaining podcasts (check out his interview with Jamie Foxx) but also some life-changing, highly actionable tips for transforming productivity and performance. Marketing and PR has changed beyond recognition. Did you know Facebook, Hotmail, Twitter and AirBnB didn’t undertake any traditional advertising in their earliest, biggest phases of growth? Ryan Holiday’s thoughts on Growth Hacking distil what it means to be a smart marketer in the 21st Century. In the words of Seth Godin- There’s never been a better time to start a business with no money. The man is the godfather of bootstrapping, so is it any surprise he’s written the ultimate guide to putting your idea into action? Andrew’s blog might have a tech focus, but anyone who is building something can learn from his musings on growth and start-up culture.

Learning-– This is the place to go to learn the answers to the questions you were too afraid to ask. No matter how elementary, ask your question here and get ready to learn!– Ever heard of a MOOC? Massive Open Online Courses are offered by some of the best universities in the world. That’s right, you can get a red-brick, ivy league education for free! Mooc List is a substantial collection of courses from multiple resources from universities around the world. – Udemy have a mission: to help anyone learn anything. With a mix of paid and free modules, Udemy offers a great opportunity to catch up on those lectures that you might have slept through the first time around…– Learn the basics of coding for absolutely free with Codecademy. From making a website, to learning languages like Rails, AngularJS and Java. It’s all free and absolutely vital. – We’ve already mentioned Ted Talks, but have you heard of TedEd? Take a look at TedEd’s library of actionable lessons created by some of the world’s highest achievers. – Transform your commute with Melvyn Bragg’s In Our Time, where each week Melvyn and a panel of experts discuss the history of ideas. Don’t wait for them to come on the radio though, just search Melvyn Bragg