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5 must-reads for entrepreneurs this summer

Whether you are a new entrepreneur or have launched your exciting company a few years ago, getting recommendations and inspirations via books is always quite beneficial. Here we listed our top 5 picks of entrepreneurship books which you must read this summer – trust us, they’re good.

1. The Myth of the Strong Leader, Archie Brown

When Bill Gates strongly recommends a book, you know you have to read it. Even though this leadership best seller has a political tone, it is indeed very applicable to business. The main theme of the book is “strong leaders” (as most of us would define) being eventually bad for a country (or a business) as they create bigger problems while trying to solve immediate ones. According to Brown, qualities such as integrity, articulateness and empathy are more essential in a leader than plain perception of “strength”.

2. The Psychology of Selling, Brian Tracy

You might have launched an awesome new product but if you don’t know how to sell it, its bound to be a failure. In his book “ThePsychology of Selling”, Tracy explains different selling strategies which have one common denominator– the person. At the early stages of entrepreneurship it is normal to be in a fully result (and money) driven mindset however this leads many to forget the essential human factor in sales. This book is a great guide for any entrepreneur who needs that little help to get successful returns.

3. Good to Great: Why Some Companies Make the Leap… and Others Don’t, Jim Collins

Collins and his team of researchers analysed over 1,400 organisations, to find the best of the best and settled on 11 business giants including Wells Fargo, Gillette and Walgreens. In this book, he explains what is that “thing” some companies have that makes them go from good to great. If you’re looking for an inspiration for your new venture, definitely give this one a read.

4. The Innovator’s Dilemma: The Revolutionary Book That Will Change the Way You Do Business, Clayton M. Christensen

Written by a Harvard Business School professor Clayton M. Christensen, this book tries to find an answer to the question “I’ve done everything by the book, played by the rules. Why is my company not managing to be successful?” Full of great practical advice and case studies, The Innovator’s Dilemma is going to be your go-to book whenever in need.

5. Creativity, Inc., Ed Catmull

You’re not yet an entrepreneur but you want to be one? Do you need to find some motivation to turn your idea into reality? Creativity, Inc. tells the story of Pixar – how it came to where it is today from the very beginning. From power struggles and failed risks to positive exposure and credibility, this book is going to be the best friend of an entrepreneur looking to start a creative business. Also, it is one of the favourite books of Facebook’s CEO Mark Zuckerberg!

Inspiration and motivation can come from anywhere and anytime, but these books would definitely give the right start. At Us & Co, the newest co-working space in the City of London, we are home to entrepreneurs from various sectors, as well as small and large corporate teams. Whether you are at the beginning of your career or have years of experience, we are here to provide the best environment and community for you to take your business to next level. If you want to see it for yourself, why not book a free week pass? Its exclusive for July and August only, so hurry up!